jamming game wireless networks transmission cost

Jamming in Wireless Networks Under Uncertainty - ACM Digital.
Eitan Altman , Konstantin Avrachenkov , Andrey Garnaev, A jamming game in wireless networks with transmission cost, Proceedings of the 1st EuroFGI.
Since jamming can be considered as a game in which jammer is playing against the user (transmitter) who would like to transmit signal with good quality and at the same time with a. Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, 2009.. Learn how you can qualify for the best price for the item!
Jamming Game in a Dynamic Slotted ALOHA Network - Springer.
IEEE Xplore - A Bayesian jamming game in an OFDM wireless.
HAL - INRIA :: [inria-00496630, version 1] Wireless Jamming Attacks.
MAC games for distributed wireless network security with incomplete.
Jamming in wireless networks - ACM Digital Library.
IEEE Xplore - Jamming games for power controlled medium access.
jamming game wireless networks transmission cost
jamming game wireless networks transmission cost
Jamming in wireless networks under uncertainty - ACM Digital Library.Jamming in wireless networks - ACM Digital Library.
E. Altman, K. Avraehenkov and A. Gamaev, "A jamming game in wireless networks with transmission cost". in Proc. of NET-COOP 2007. Lecture Notes in.
Jamming Game in a Dynamic Slotted ALOHA Network. Each player, the sender and the jammer, have different costs for respectively sending their packets and.
Eitan Altman , Konstantin Avrachenkov , Andrey Garnaev, A jamming game in wireless networks with transmission cost, Proceedings of the 1st EuroFGI.
Optimal Transmission Power Control in the. - Share research.

Eitan Altman , Konstantin Avrachenkov , Andrey Garnaev, A jamming game in wireless networks with transmission cost, Proceedings of the 1st EuroFGI.
or adapting their transmission rate. There is a significant amount of work in wired and wireless networking that make use of game theory. Oddly enough.